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Time Strategies

Technology is a very double-sides coin for me.

By Joe Bennetton on Flikr
And it's a constant battle for me to flip it.

I read a few articles talking about time management to help me gauge how important it is, especially now more than ever as I step into my courses and career.

The Important Habit of Just Starting:
This article really hit hard because I know it is a habit I need and have lost over the past couple of years. No matter how I spin it, college work is usually six-step setup that tumbles from one process to another. The article talks about we are increasingly entering a world that is built for nothing but our consumption and that we still need to be ready to work through it. For people who get pulled into any content that seems just a little newer, people like me, it can be hard to pull away long enough to focus on what we already have on hand. This article helps to remind me that starting is a battle in and of itself, if not the toughest part of any task.

How Checklists Train Your Brain To Be More Productive And Goal-Oriented:
These are the basic steps to setting any goal and being successful. I have recently started to keep a handy to-do list for everything I need to do, ever. Well, sort of. The satisfaction of crossing tasks out is unmatched but I try to keep them school-oriented. The article discusses that our brain isn't built to just remember and hope that we can get stuff done. When the tasks seem like too much or there are too many of them, we are naturally overwhelmed and we are brought to a full stop. Instead, taking bite-sized goals and incorporating them into our lives no only helps us stay accountable, it helps us finally do what we need, when we need it.

11 ways unsuccessful people mismanage their time:
I think the topic of time management really get student hung up since the idea is often introduced as if it is a brand new skill they have to master if they want to be able to accomplish anything in college. This article does a good job of putting into the perspective of a life I have already led so far. Instead of overwhelming me by telling me exactly what to do, it introduces me to bite-sized techniques to manage not only my time, but all my thought processes in a more organized fashion.


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